What a fortnight, what a week...
I've been overwhelmed with work, overwhelmed with that mind-numbing fatigue.
Lessons to prepare, verbs to conjugate, translations to hand in on time.
But worst of all: insomnia, aching muscles and fatigue have been holding me in a headlock. I've tried to break free, but it's impossible.
Sleepless nights ...
Sleepless hours ...
Sleepless hours tossing and turning, trying to not get overwhelmed by this rhythm that seems just a little too tight for comfort at the moment.
Fortunately, there are good friends to come for tea. To distract me with their sewing projects, their swelling bellies, their imminent weddings...
Fortunately, there is knitting to be done, a pair of slipper socks for my cheri to be finished. Whether a row or just a single stitch, it helps me feel like I've achieved something with my day, no matter how insignificant...