Saturday, 20 December 2014


Maybe  it needs a bit more time. Maybe this is just a rocky patch. Maybe the mountain is just a little higher than we thought. Maybe it will require a little bit more courage. Maybe I haven't fallen back as far as I thought.

No one said it would be the easy. This dream. This life. This living. Learning to fly on my own wings. 

But maybe it will be worth it. Maybe wellness will come again. At the right moment. Maybe the courage will be there.

Maybe I don't have to give up hope, after all.


  1. I'm sorry, Fran. Don't give up hope! My partner and I have chronic illness too, but it doesn't affect our lifes as much as your illness affects your life (at least not my disease, his is severe) Happy holidays for you, I hope there will be a cure soon!

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your kind words of encouragement - they really touched me. I didn't realise you and your sweetheart also had health problems. Let's wish ourselves all a happy and healthy(-er) new year xxx
