Monday, 9 June 2014

in these green mountains

“If you asked me why I live in these green mountains
I would laugh at myself. My soul is at rest.”
Li Po (701-762)

Mountains get into your blood. After almost five years of living in the Pyrenees, I miss their familiar contours when I go away. I am used to their monumental presence, the way they seem so fixed and eternal, and yet offer a visage that seems to be constantly changing. 

These mountains are indeed green, but they are also sometimes white, golden, grey or blue...

Every day the first thing I do is look up at the mountains, the unfolding peaks that tower over our little valley village to the east and to the west. Nothing else seems quite so satisfying.  


  1. I love the mountains too, the photo is so so beautiful!

  2. Yes, there certainly is something special about mountains! We feel ever so lucky to live where we do - that is, one days when there aren't earthquakes, avalanches or floods to contend with as well! xx

  3. This looks like such a beautiful place. France has the most magnificent landscapes! I love the photos on your blog :)
