Wednesday, 31 December 2014

looking back

As the old year passes, I take to the hills. Not literally, not physically. But in my mind's eye. 
Drifting off into that place between waking and dreaming, there is no real time to mull over 2014 before I surrender to sleep. No need really either. These past twelve months, I've done enough mulling to last a lifetime.

But it's good to take a cursory glance back across my shoulder, back down the mountain of the year. For it is only now that I can see it has all been worth it, that I did the right thing to keep going, to keep on hoping and not bail out when the going got tough. 
That is what 2014 has taught me, to keep on matter how slowly.

Because as is often the way out in these mountains, it's only when you've slogged for hours up that hillside, worked through the sweat and the tears to stand high on the crest with the sun on your face that you can truly measure just how far you've come. 
Here on the cusp of the mountain, it's finally easy to see where I've been...and where I'm going next...
Joining in with these gorgeous and inspiring girls: 

Saturday, 20 December 2014


Maybe  it needs a bit more time. Maybe this is just a rocky patch. Maybe the mountain is just a little higher than we thought. Maybe it will require a little bit more courage. Maybe I haven't fallen back as far as I thought.

No one said it would be the easy. This dream. This life. This living. Learning to fly on my own wings. 

But maybe it will be worth it. Maybe wellness will come again. At the right moment. Maybe the courage will be there.

Maybe I don't have to give up hope, after all.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

and there was that time

And there was that time in
When we sat beside the ocean,
you and me
listening to the waves
pounding against the shore.
And I felt the spray on my cheeks, and 
I felt your hand in my hand. 
And I was not afraid of the roar.

And as we sat beside the ocean,
you and me
watching the sun sink into the briny depths.
I felt it's last warmth on my cheeks.
And I felt your hand in my hand.
And so I was not afraid of the dark. 

And later, as we settled down to sleep
you and me
beneath the pine trees,
I felt the pounding of your heart from your chest to mine
I felt the warmth of your skin on my skin 
I felt your hand in my hand
And I was no longer afraid.

Already five (and a half!) years together, you and me. Not bad, hey?